Greece Country Profile

Capital City Athens
Population 10,768,000 (2017 est)
Geographic Location 37 59 N, 23 44 E
Area 131,957 sq km
Language Greek
Currency Euro
Political System Parliamentary Republic
Legal System Civil legal system based on Roman Law
GDP $298.7 Billion (2017 est)
GDP per capita $27.700
National Anthem "Ymnos eis tin Eleftherian" (Hymn to Liberty) (1864)
National Day 25 March 1821

Greece Goldan Visa Program Information

GREECE Golden Visa Program
Investment Type
Real Estate Investment 250,000 Euro
Financial Investment 400,000 Euro (Proposed)
Business Investment 250,000 Euro
Physical presence requirement None
Estimated Application Fees
Government Fees 516 Euro per person
Due Diligence Fees N/A
Consulting Fees 10,000 - 15,000 Euro
Estimated Cost (Real Estate Investment)
Single Applicant 282,316 Euro
Family of 4 Application (2 children under 18) 289,341 Euro
Residency requirement for citizenship 7 years

Greece Tax Summary

Corporate Income Tax 29,00%
Witholding Tax on Dividends (Res./Non Res.) 15% for non-residents
Witholding Tax on Interests (Res./Non Res.) 15% for non-residents
Witholding Tax on Royalties (Res./Non Res.) 20% for non-residents
Capital Gain Tax 29%
Personal Income Tax (Res / Non Res.) Progressive from 22% to 45%
Property Transfer Tax 3%
Inheritance Tax / Wealth tax From 1% to 10% on tax value of real estate / No
VAT 24% (for certain goods and services 13% or 6%)

* This site is for generic information only.

IRC - International Residency & Citizenship